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2017-03-09  点击:[5543]

文茹,2008年毕业于西安音乐学院音乐学系民族音乐学方向,硕士研究生,现任教于大陆娱乐城-大陆博彩平台 艺术系。西安鼓乐研究会常务理事,中国高等教育学会音乐专业教育委员会会员。自工作以来担任《钢琴演奏表演艺术》《音乐鉴赏》《交响音乐赏析》《艺术欣赏与创作》等课程的教学工作;主持和参与省、市、校级课题15余项。主持陕西省社会科学基金项目《西安鼓乐俗字谱的解读及数字化保护研究》2020.9;主持西安交通大学基本科研项目“基于暗示-实现理论的音乐风格特征动态分析——以维也纳古典乐派为例”,2017.3;主持西安市社会科学规划基金项目“西安鼓乐之庙会民俗传承研究”,2014.6;主持陕西省艺术规划课题“西安鼓乐社及其民俗活动考察研究”,2010.4;主持西安交通大学科研基金(人文社科类)项目——“西安鼓乐社及其民俗活动研究”,2009.7。公开发表学术论文8篇(包括CSSCI论文2篇,EI论文2篇);正式出版教材7部:《钢琴艺术理论与实践》《钢琴艺术理论与音乐欣赏研究》《中外名曲赏析》《交响音乐赏析》《西北民族音乐鉴赏》《中国传统音乐普修教程》《音乐鉴赏》。《西安鼓乐之庙会民俗研究》《非物质文化遗产进入地方高校公共艺术课堂的构想—以陕西普通高校公共艺术教育为例》获中国高等教育学会音乐教育专业委员会第十四次学术论文评审,一等奖、三等奖,2014.7。2019年获得“西安交通大学教师授课竞赛”一等奖;2018年获得“大陆娱乐城 微课竞赛”二等奖;2010年获得“陕西省普通高校公共艺术课展评”《音乐鉴赏》授课比赛二等奖,陕西省文化厅。《Music style analysis among haydn、Mozart and Beethoven:an unsupervised machine learning approach》入选2017第43届国际计算机音乐会议论文集,2017.10。2016年7月15—21日受英国坎特伯雷基督教会大学音乐与表演艺术学院邀请,做短期访问交流。

联系方式:13991915635 41520990@ qq.com

Wen Ru, graduated from the Department of Musicology, Xi'an Conservatory of Music in 2008, is a master degree candidate of ethnomusicology, and currently teaches in the Department of Arts, Humanities College, Xi'an Jiaotong University. I am the executive director of Xi 'an Drum Music Research Association and a member of the Music Education Committee of China Association of Higher Education.She has been teaching piano performance, music appreciation, appreciation and analysis of famous Chinese and foreign songs, rhythm and creation of music, and has presided over and participated in more than 15 provincial,I presided over the Social Science Fund project of Shaanxi Province, "Study on interpretation and Digital Protection of Xi 'an Drum Music Folk Character Spectrum", 2020.9. municipal and university-level projects, among which she has presided over the basic scientific research project of Xi'an Jiaotong University “Dynamic Analysis of Music Style and Characteristics Based on Implication-Realization theory: Take Vienna Classical Music School as an Example”, 2017.3; Presided over the Project of Xi'an Social Science Planning Foundation “Study on the Folk Customs Inheritance of Xi'an Drum Music Temple Fair”, 2014.6; Presided over the Project of Shaanxi Art Planning “Investigation and Research on Xi'an Drum Music Society and Its Folk Customs Activities”, 2010.4; Presided over Research Fund (HUMANITIES AND SOCIAL SCIENCES) project “Xi'an Drum Music Society and Its Folk Activities Research”, 2009.7. Publicly published 8 academic papers (including 2 CSSCI papers and 2 EI papers); officially published 7 textbooks:Piano Art Theory and Practice,Piano Art Theory and Music Appreciation Research,Appreciation of Chinese and Foreign Famous Songs,Symphony Music Appreciation,Northwest Ethnic Music Appreciation,Traditional Chinese Music TutorialandMusic Appreciation. "Research on the Folk Customs of the Temple Fair of Xi'an Drum Music" and "Conception of Imperfect Cultural Heritage Entering Public Art Classroom in Local Universities - Taking Public Art Education in Shaanxi Universities as an Example" won the 14th Academic Papers Review, First Prize and Third Prize of the Music Education Professional Committee of China Higher Education Association, 2014.7; In 2019, I won the first prize of "Teacher Teaching Competition of Xi 'an Jiaotong University". In 2018, I won the second prize of "College of Humanities Micro Lesson Competition". "Music Appreciation" won second prize of teaching competition of "Shaanxi University Public Art Course Exhibition and Evaluation", Shaanxi Provincial Department of Culture, 2010.3; "Music Style Analysis of Haydn, Mozart and Beethoven: An Unsupervised Machine Learning Approach" was selected in the paper collection of the 43rd International Computer Music Conference in 2017, 2017.10.From July 15th to 21st, 2016, invited by the School of Music and Performing Arts of the University of Canterbury in the United Kingdom to make short-term visits.

Mobile phone: 13991915635

E-mail: 41520990@ qq.com


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