2002.9-2006.7 北京大学物理学院大气科学系,理学学士
2006.9-2009.7 中国传媒大学影视艺术学院电影学方向,文学硕士
2010.9-2014.7 北京大学中文系比较文学与世界文学方向,文学博士
2014.7-2016.10 西安交通大学大陆娱乐城
2016.10- 西安交通大学大陆娱乐城
4. 20世纪中国科幻小说史,国家社科基金重点项目(12AZW009),25.0万元,负责人为北京师范大学吴岩,本人主要承担“90年代中国科幻”一章编写任务(约8万字),2013年5月~2016年5月(已结题)
王瑶. “冷酷的方程式”与当代中国科幻中的“铁笼困境”[J].文学评论. 2017, (6): 209-218. (CSSCI、权威期刊)
王瑶.从“小太阳”到“中国太阳”——当代中国科幻中的乌托邦时空体[J].中国现代文学研究丛刊. 2017, (4): 20-34. (CSSCI、权威期刊)
王瑶.我依然想写出能让自己激动的科幻小说——作家刘慈欣访谈录[J].文艺研究. 2015, (12):70-78.(CSSCI、权威期刊)
王瑶.全球化时代的民族寓言——当代中国科幻中的文化政治[J].中国比较文学. 2015, (3):87-100.(CSSCI、权威期刊)
王瑶.从“反抗绝望”到“向下超越”——汪晖鲁迅研究述略[J].新疆大学学报(哲学·人文社会科学版). 2017, 45(2): 105-111.(CSSCI)
王瑶.火星上没有琉璃瓦吗——当代中国科幻与“民族化”议题[J].探索与争鸣,2016, (9):119-123. (CSSCI)
王瑶.从“人民”到“诸众”——当代中国科幻小说中的数码革命[M]//跨文化对话,第36辑,北京:商务印书馆,2016: 131-149. (CSSCI)
Wang Yao. Evolution or Samsara? Spatio-Temporal Myth in Han Song's Science Fiction.(Trans. byNathaniel Isaacson)[J].Chinese Literature Today. Vol 7, 2018 (1), p23-27.
Wang Yao. National allegory in the era of globalization:Chinese science fiction and its cultural politics since the 1990s[M]//Lorenzo Andolfatto at el.Aspects of sciece fiction since the 1980s: China, Italy, Japan, Korea. Torino(Italy):Trinity College Dublin Italian Department, 2015. 61-81.
Xia Jia.What Makes Chinese Science Fiction Chinese?. (Trans. by Ken Liu)[EB/OL][2014-07-22].//www.tor.com/2014/07/22/what-makes-chinese-science-fiction-ch inese/
夏笳.故事背后的故事[N].文艺报. 2017年8月21日(6版).
王瑶.让世界迷上中国科幻[N].学习时报. 2017年11月17日(8版).
王瑶.边疆之上的中国·科幻[M]//文学·2017春夏卷.陈思和、王德威,主编.上海:上海文艺出版社,2017: 40-44.
王瑶.铁笼、破壁与希望的维度——试论刘慈欣科幻创作中的“惊奇感美学”[J].现代中文学刊. 2016, (5): 95-101.
王瑶.在“科学主义”与“现实主义”之外[M]//中国科幻研究.吴岩,主编.武汉:湖北科学技术出版社,2016: 201-204.
王瑶.从“超人类”困境到“黄皮肤上帝”——浅析王晋康科幻作品中的文化政治议题[M]//中国科幻的思想者——王晋康科幻创作研究文集.王卫英,主编.北京:科学普及出版社,2016: 87-97.
夏笳.百年科幻中国——从梁启超到韩松[M]//离线·科幻.李婷,主编.桂林:广西师范大学出版社,2015: 104-119.
夏笳.十年一觉英雄梦——评《24格每秒天堂》[J].科幻世界. 2015,(12): 55-57.
王瑶. 科幻小说常为新[J].山花. 2015,(11): 124-128.
王瑶.《三体》:互联网助推科幻向大众突围[N].光明日报. 2015年10月16日(11版).
夏笳.特德.姜——挑战想象极限[N].人民日报. 2015年10月13日(24版).
夏笳. “后三体时代”的中国科幻[N].人民日报. 2015年4月7日(14版).
王瑶.《地心引力》:数码太空与孤绝体验[J].创作与评论. 2015, (7):79-83.
王瑶.更好或更坏的未来[J].小说月报. 2015, (4):132-133.
夏笳.从“两个”到“许多个”世界[J].艺术世界. 2015,(3): 95-96.
王瑶. “新青年”的科幻进行式[M]//文学·2014春夏卷.陈思和、王德威,主编.上海:上海文艺出版社,2014. 41-51.
王瑶.迷宫、镜像与环舞——韩松科幻小说赏析[J].名作欣赏. 2014,(22):49-50.
3. [美]J·P·泰勒特.科幻电影[M].王瑶,等译.世界图书出版公司.(学术译著,20万字,待出版)
1.夏笳.你需要的只是爱[N].光明日报. 2014年8月15日(14版).
2.夏笳. 2044年春节纪事[J].北京文学. 2014,(12): 131-142.
3.夏笳.中国百科全书(1)黑屋[J].科幻世界. 2015,(4): 6-13.
4.夏笳.中国百科全书(2)涉江[J].科幻世界. 2015,(5): 54-65.
5.夏笳.中国百科全书(3)晚安,忧郁[J].科幻世界. 2015,(6): 6-21.
6.夏笳.中国百科全书(4)巴别乱[J].科幻世界. 2015,(8): 50-57.
7.夏笳.中国百科全书(5)等云来[J].科幻世界. 2015,(9): 64-70.
8.夏笳.龙马夜行[J].小说界. 2015,(2): 129-136.
9.夏笳.心理游戏[J].知识就是力量. 2015(9):40-45.
10.夏笳.寒冬夜行人[N].光明日报. 2015年6月5日(14版).
11.夏笳.昔日光[N].光明日报. 2015年10月30日(14版).
12.夏笳.铁月亮[J].今天. 2016,(1): 33-55.
13.王瑶.三十年·八个瞬间[J].延河. 2016,(4): 164-170.
邮箱:[email protected]
AssociateProfessor, Xi’an Jiaotong University, China
Education Background
Ph.D. in ComparativeLiterature,Chinese Literature Department,PekingUniversity,2010-2014
Dissertation:Fear and Hope in the Era of Globalization: Chinese Science Fiction and Its Cultural Politics (1991-2012). Advisor:Jinhua Dai
M.A. inFilm Studies,School of Cinema & Television,CommunicationUniversityof China,2006-2009
B.S.inAtmospheric Sciences, School ofPhysics, Peking University,2002-2006
Research and Teaching Areas
Chinese science fiction literature;science fiction film; creative writing
Chinese Literature Department, School of Humanitiesand Social Sciences, Xi’an Jiaotong University (Since September2016)
AssociateProfessor ofChinese Literature(tenure-track)
Chinese Literature Department, School of Humanitiesand Social Sciences, Xi’an Jiaotong University
Assistant Professor ofChinese Literature(tenure-track)
Research Institution of Literature and Culture, Xi’an Jiaotong University
Deputy Director
Project Director (June 2017 - June 2019)
“Study on Human Destinies and Chinese Stories in Contemporary Chinese Science Fiction.” National Social Science Fund Program (17CZW059).
Project Director (September 2015 - September 2018)
“Chinese Science Fiction and China Dream in the Era of Globalization.” Shannxi Province Social Science Fund Program (2015J054).
Project Member(May 2013 - May 2016)
“The History of Chinese Science Fiction in the 20th Century.” National Social Science Fund Program (12AZW009), hosted by Professor Wu Yan, Beijing Normal University.
Academic Papers
“Evolution or Samsara?: Spatio-temporal Myth in Han Song’s Science Fiction.”Chinese Literature Today,Chinese Literature Today. Vol 7, 2018 (1), p23-27.
“‘The Cold Equations’ and the ‘Iron Cage Dilemma’ in Contemporary Chinese Science Fiction.”Literary Review,2017 (6): 209-218.(CSSCI)
“FromMinisun to Chinese Sun:The Utopian Chronotope in Contemporary Chinese Science Fiction.”Modern Chinese Literature Studies, 2017 (4): 20-34.(CSSCI)
“From Resisting Despair to Transcendence Downward: An Overview of Wang Hui’s Lu Xun Studies.”Journal of Xinjiang University (Philosophy, Humanities & Social Sciences), 2017 (2): 105-111. (CSSCI)
“Beyond Scientism and Realism.” in Wu Yan, ed.,Chinese Science Fiction Studies. Wuhan: Hubei Science & Technology Press,November 2016: 201-204.
“The Digital Revolution in Contemporary Chinese Science Fiction.” in Yue Daiyun and Alain Le Pichon, eds.,Dialogue Transculturel, Vol. 36, Beijing: Commercial Press, October 2016, 131-149. (CSSCI)
“Can’t Glazed Tiles Exist on Mars? Contemporary Chinese Science Fiction and Its Nationalizing Way.”Exploration and Free Views, 2016 (9): 119-123.(CSSCI)
“Iron Cage, Wall Broken and Dimension of Hope: A Discussion on Liu Cixin’s ‘Sense of Wonder Aesthetics’.”Journal of Modern Chinese Studies, 2016 (5): 95-101.
“From Transhuman Dilemma to God with Yellow Skin: A Discussion on the Cultural Politics in Wang Jinkang’s Science Fiction.” in Wang Weiying, ed.,The Great Thinker of Chinese Science Fiction: Proceedings of Discussion on Wang Jinkang’s Science Fiction Writing. Beijing: Popular Science Press, May 2016: 87-97.
“I Still Want to Write Novels That I Can Be Excited about: An Interview with Liu Cixin.”Literature & Art Studies, 2015 (12): 70-78.(CSSCI)
“Science Fiction Novel Should be Persistently Novel.”Mountain Flowers,2015 (11): 124-128.
“Ted Chiang: Challenging the Boundaries of Imagination.”People’s Daily, 2015-10-13 (24).
“Gravity: Digital Space and Isolated Experience.”Creation and Critical, 2015 (7): 79-83.
“Chinese Science Fiction in the ‘Post-Three Body Age’.”People’s Daily, 2015-05-07 (14).
“From Liang Qichao to Han Song: An Overview of Chinese Science Fiction in 20thCentury.” in Li Ting, ed.,Offline: Science Fiction, Guilin: Guangxi Normal University Press, May2015, 104-119.
“Better or Worse Futures: A Review on Hao Jinfang and Liu Yang’s Science fiction Stories.”Fiction Monthly,2015 (4): 132-133.
“National Allegory in the Era of Globalization: Contemporary Chinese Science Fiction Literature and Its Cultural Politics.”Comparative Literature in China, 2015 (3): 87-100.(CSSCI)
“National allegory in the era of globalization:Chinese science fiction and its cultural politics since the 1990s.” in Lorenzo Andolfatto at el. eds.,Aspects of sciece fiction since the 1980s: China, Italy, Japan, Korea, Torino(Italy): Nuova Trauben, 2015, 61-81. (written in English)
“New Youth’s Ongoing Science Fiction: Chinese Young Science Fiction Authors’ Visions of China and World.” in Chen Sihe and David Wang, eds.,Literature, 2014 Spring/Summer Volume, Shanghai: Shanghai Literature & Art Publishing House, August 2014,41-51.
“Labyrinth, Mirror Image and Round Dance: A Review on Han Song’s Science Fiction Writing.”Masterpieces Review,2014 (22): 49-50.
“Looper: A Time Traveler’s Self-terminating.” in Dai Jinhua, ed.,The Trace of Light and Shadow, January 2014, 319-326.
“Wachowskis: Across Borders of Other Worlds.”Contemporary Cinema, 2013 (11): 163-167. (CSSCI)
“Liu Cixin: On the Scale of Cosmos and Stars.”People’s Daily, 2013-10-08 (24).
“The Earth Below and the Stars Above.”Masterpieces Review, 2013 (28): 34-37.
“The Old Boy Guy Stuart Ritchie.”Contemporary Cinema, 2013 (3): 68-72. (CSSCI)
“China Dream” in the Era of Globalization: Contemporary Chinese Literature and Cultural Studies (1991-2012).Xi’an: Xi’an Jiaotong University Press, to be published.(Monograph in Simplified Chinese)
Coordinates for The Future.Shanghai: Shanghai Literature & Art Publishing House, to be published. (Collection inSimplified Chinese)
Science Fiction Film. translated from English, original work by J.P. Telotte, Beijing: World Publishing Corporation,to be published.(Translated monograph in Simplified Chinese)
Literary Activities
Author and translator of speculative fiction (with the pen name Xia Jia).
English Publications:
“Goodnight, Melancholy.” trans. Ken Liu.Clarkesworld. March 2017, //clarkesworldmagazine.com/xia_03_17/
“Night Journey of Dragon-Horse.” trans. Ken Liu. in Ken Liu, ed.,Invisible Planets: Contemporary Chinese Science Fiction in Translation. New York: Tor Books, 2016.
“If on a Winter's Night a Traveler.”trans. Ken Liu.Clarkesworld. November 2015,//clarkesworldmagazine.com/xia_11_15/
“Let’s have a talk.”Nature. 2015, 522 (7554): 122. (written in English)
“Heat island.”trans. Ken Liu.Pathlight. Spring 2015, 92-103.
“Valentine’s Day.”trans. Ken Liu.Terraform. February 2015,
“Tongtong’s Summer.”trans. Ken Liu.Clarkesworld. December. 2014,
“Spring Festival: Happiness, Anger, Love, Sorrow, Joy.” trans. Ken Liu.Clarkesworld. September 2014, //clarkesworldmagazine.com/xia_09_14/
“A Hundred Ghosts Parade Tonight.”trans. Ken Liu.Clarkesworld, February 2012,
“The Demon-Enslaving Flask.”trans.Linda Rui Feng.Renditions 77/78 (Spring and Autumn of 2012) Special Issue: Chinese Science Fiction: Late Qing and the Contemporary, 2012: 272-282.
“Annual Top Ten Academic New Stars”, Xi’an Jiaotong University, 2016
[email protected]