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2017-03-13  点击:[]


1984-1988年就读于西北大学中文系汉语言文学专业,1996年西北大学文艺学专业硕士毕业。1988年任教至今,主要研究方向为舆论学、传媒与文化。联系方式:电子邮箱[email protected],办公电话82668281

主持科研项目:2012年西安交大大陆娱乐城 社会重大问题研究基金“大众传播下的农民工媒介素养与其话语权构建的研究”,2013年陕西省教育科学“十二五”规划项目“微博对大学生社会参与的影响研究”、2014年陕西省教育科学“十二五”规划项目“大学生手机使用行为习惯及影响研究”、2016年陕西省教育科学“十三五”规划项目“新媒体语境下的青少年迷文化研究”。论文《高校校报现状及发展探析——以陕西省高校为例》,著作:专著《网民媒介素养及其舆论监督研究》、《农民工媒介素养与利益表达研究》,参与撰写《大学生媒介素养教程》。获奖:《网民媒介素养及其舆论监督研究》获陕西省第十一届哲学社会科学优秀成果三等奖、陕西省高校人文社会科学研究优成果二等奖;《城镇化进程中农民工媒介素养与利益表达研究》获陕西省高校人文社科优秀成果奖三等奖。

OUNING,studied in Northwest university majoring in chinese literiture between 1984 and 1988,has gained the master degree of theory of literature and art in 1996.Since 1988,I has been doing research about public opinion, media and culture when accomplishing the teaching mission.

During my career,I have participated in a number of academic programmes.In addition,I have published lots of dissertations such as “the current situation and development of universities’periodical--take universities in Shanxi province for an example”.I wrote the treatise “the research on netizens’ media literacy and public opinion supervision”,which won the third prize of the 11th Philosophy and social sciences outstanding results as well as  the second prize of Shanxi universities Humanities and Social Sciences outstanding results,“the research on peasantries’media literacy and profit expression”and “college students’media literacy course”.The dissertation, “ the research on peasantries’media literacy and profit expression through urbanization”,won the third prize of Shanxi universities Humanities and Social Sciences outstanding results.


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