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Qiu Genjiang
2019-05-21  点击:[232]

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Qiu Genjiang




Qiu Genjiang was born in Xining city, Qinghai province. He has a PhD degree, and mainly works in the areas of Western Marxism, Western Political Philosophy and Logic.

Research Interests:

Western Marxism, Western Political Philosophy and Contemporary Foreign Social Thoughts


1999—2003 B. Phil. , Northwest University

2003—2006 M. Phil. , Northwest University

2006—2010 Ph. D. , Xi’an Jiaotong University

2014—2015 Visiting scholar, The Catholic University of America


2011—2016: Lecturer, philosophy department, Xi’an Jiaotong University

2017 till now: Associate professor, philosophy department, Xi’an Jiaotong University



[1] Sole author,Research on the Frank School’s Critical Theory of Modernity, Xi’an Jiaotong University Press.

[2] Associate editor,Contemporary Foreign Social Thoughts, China Social Sciences Publishing House, 2016.

[3] One of the editors:Research on the Contemporary Reconstruction and Education of Chinese Traditional Filial Piety, Shaanxi People’s Press, 2015.

[4] One of the editors:An Introduction to the Classical Works of Chinese Philosophy, Xi’an Jiaotong University Press, 2013.

Academic Papers:

[1] Qiu Genjiang, “Modernity Criticism: From Adorno and Marcuse to Habermas: Three Dimensions of the Frank School’s Critical Theory of Modernity”,Journal of Xi’an Jiaotong University (Social Sciences), No. 6, 2015, CSSCI.

[2] Qiu Genjiang, “Modernity: The Logic of Disintegration—On the Criticism of Modernity from Adorno’s Negative Dialectics”,The Journal of Humanities, No. 8, 2014, CSSCI.

[3] Qiu Genjiang, “Modernity: Moving Towards the Clear Realm — On Internal logic and Spirit of Modernity”,Journal of Xi’an Jiaotong University (Social Sciences), No. 6, 2014, CSSCI.

[4] Qiu Genjiang, “Chinese Traditional Culture and Violence”,Academics (English Edition), No. 11, 2014.

[5] Qiu Genjiang, “Modernity: Between Myth and Enlightenment—Regulation and Criticism of Modernity in theDialectic of Enlightenment”,Shandong Social Sciences, No. 7, 2010, CSSCI.

[6] Qiu Genjiang, “Explorations on the Frank School’s Critical Theory of the Cultural Industry’s Falsity”,Gansu Social Sciences, No. 4, 2010, CSSCI.

[7] Qiu Genjiang, “On the Frank School’s Techniques -Rationalization Critique of the Cultural Industry”,Seeker, No. 11, 2009, CSSCI.

[8] Li Jianqun & Qiu Genjiang, “Explorations on the Frank School’s Critical Theory of the Cultural Industry’s Artistic Aesthetics-Alienation”,Qinghai Social Sciences, No. 2, 2010, CSSCI.


[1] As a host of Shaanxi Provincial Social Sciences Project (13C051): Research on the Frank School’s Critical Theory of Modernity.

[2] As a host of Shaanxi Provincial Soft Sciences Project (2016KRM129): Research on the Ethical Perplexes and Resolutions to the Prevention and Control of AIDS in Shaanxi Province at the Period of Social Transformation.

[3] As a host of the “Specialized Fund for the Basic Research Operating Expenses Program of Central University” of Xi’an Jiaotong University (SK2012018): Research on the Frank School’s Critical Theory of Modernity.

[4] As a host of the “Specialized Fund for the Basic Research Operating Expenses Program of Central University” of Xi’an Jiaotong University (SK2016007): Research on the Critical Theory of Modernity in Western Marxism.

[5] As a Participant of National Social Sciences Foundation: Research on the Theories and Methods of Risk Control in Our Country’s Modernization Process.


For Undergraduates: History of Western Philosophy, Western Political Philosophy, Logic, Aesthetics

For Graduates: Dialectics of Nature


2013: First Prize in Teaching Competition, Xi’an Jiaotong University

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