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Chuntian Lu
2019-05-21  点击:[]

Chuntian Lu



School of Humanities & Social Sciences,          

Xi’an Jiaotong University, Xi’an, China, Zip code: 710049.  

Email: [email protected]

Work Experience

2018.1-Present      Professor, Xi’an Jiaotong University, China

2012.8-2017.12      Associated professor, Xi’an Jiaotong University, China

2011.5-2012.5      Statistician and research associate, E Source, U.S.A.


2003.9-2011.6      Ph.D.  Sociology department of Michigan State University  

2007.9-2009.5      M.S.  Statistics department of Michigan State University

2000.9-2003.7      M.S.  Sociology department of Renmin University of China

1996.9-2000.7      B.A.  Sociology department of Nanjing University

Research Interests

Environmental Sociology, Quantitative method, Social Stratification and mobility

Selected Publications in Chinese and English

1.         Chuntian Lu, Wang Xin, Liu Furong,2018 Peer effect: evidence from College students’ sleep quality. Zhejiang Academic Journal. No.4.

2.     Xiaowen Zhu& Chuntian Lu,2017, Re-evaluation of the New Ecological Paradigm scale using item response theory, Journal of Environmental Psychology, 54(10):79-90.

3.    Chuntian Lu, Xiaoliang Qi, 2017, Research on governance mechanism of environmental group incidents from the perspective of public participation, Theoretical Exploration, No.5

4.           Chuntian Lu, Xiaojuan Qian, 2015, Media Use and Trust in Government: Based on the Analysis of CGSS2010 Data, Chinese Journal of Journalism & Communication,5:66-80

5.           Zhang zhijian,Chuntian Lu, 2015,The usage and behavior of Wechat in the college students, Contemporary Youth Research, 336(3):89-93.

6.    Chuntian Lu, Gong Cheng, 2015, Housing inequality in transitional China: Evidence from the aggregated census and CGSS 2010 data. Journal of ECUST (Social Science Edition),2:1-14.

7.    Fei Sun, Chuntian Lu. And Jordan I Kosberg, 2013, Influences of environmental factors in the physical functioning of older adults in urban china.  Journal of Sociology & Social Welfare, 40(1), 29-57.

8.    Xiaodong Chen, M. Nils Peterson, Vanessa Hull, Chuntian Lu, Dayong Hong, 2013, How perceived exposure to environmental harm influences environmental behavior in urban China, Ambio.42(1):52-60

9.    Zhenmei Zhang, Mark D. Hayward and Chuntian Lu, 2012, Is there a Hispanic Epidemiologic Paradox in Later Life? A Closer Look at Chronic Morbidity, Research on Aging: 1-24.                                                        

10.  Xiaodong Chen, M. Nils Peterson, Vanessa Hull, Chuntian Lu, Graise. D. Lee, Dayong Hong, 2011, Effects of attitudinal and socio-demographic factors on pro-environmental behavior in urban China, Environmental Conservation:38: 45-52.          

11.  Chuntian LuJinlian Shi. Study on Residents’Perceptions and Attitude in Tourist Destinations: Current State and Prospect, Tourism Tribune,2012, 11,32-43  

12.  Chuntian Lu, Dayong Hong, 2011, Measurement model for environmental concern based on CGSS2003 data, Chinese Journal of Sociology, 1:35-52.                              

13. Dayong Hong, Chuntian Lu, 2011, Multi-level analysis of Environmental Concern based on the application of CGSS2003 Data, Sociological Studies, 6:154-170.                                          

Research Grants                                                                

1.         Comparative studies of Environmental concern between urban and rural resident, 2013, National Social Science Foundation. Grant Number:13BSH027PI: Chuntian Lu , RMB180,000.

2.         Evaluating the impacts and feedbacks of payment for ecological service2013 World Fish Economy and Environment Program for Southeast Asia, Grant NumberS2013WH016,Co-PI:Chuntian Lu, $33,000 USD

3.         The perception and behavioral adaption of residents in China, 2014, Research and Start Fund of the Ministry of Education of PRC, PI: Chuntian Lu, RMB 20,000

4.         The evaluating methods of tourism sustainable development ability in the natural reserve of China, 2014, National Science Foundation, Grant Number: 31470518, PI:Chuntian Lu, RMB200,000

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