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Xiaowen Zhu
2019-05-21  点击:[958]

Xiaowen Zhu

Department of Sociology, Xi’an Jiaotong University

Tel: +86-2982666249; Email:xwzhu@mail.daluylc.com



My general research interests include sociology of education, educational inequality, educational testing and assessment, and applications of quantitative research methodologies (including psychometric and statistical methods) in sociology, education, psychology, or related fields.


Ph.D.,Educational Measurement and Statistics, Research Methodology,2009

Department of Psychology in Education, University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, PA, USA

Graduate Student,Pattern Recognition and Intelligence,2000-2002

Shenyang Institute of Automation, Chinese Academy of Sciences

B.S.,Information and Control Engineering,1996

Southwest University of Science and Technology, China



Associate Professor 2011-present

Department of Sociology, Xi’an Jiaotong University, China

Research Fellow 2011-present

Institute for Empirical Social Science Research (IESSR), Xi’an Jiaotong University, China

Psychometrician 2008-2011

Department of Psychometric Services, Data Recognition Corporation, Minneapolis, MN, USA

Summer Research Intern 2006

Educational Testing Service, Princeton, NJ, USA

Research and Teaching Assistant 2004-2008

Department of Psychology in Education, University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, PA, USA


Stone, C. A., &Zhu, X.(2015).Bayesian Analysis of Item Response Models using SAS. SAS Press.


[1] Zhu, X., & Liu, J. (2018). Off-line and on-line social interaction: Attribution of college students' subjective well-being.China Youth Studies,16(9). (in Chinese)

[2] Zhu, X., & Han, H. (2018). Family background and college students’ sense of school belonging:A multiple-mediation analysis based on social network.Fudan Education Forum,16(3). (in Chinese)

[3] Zhu, X., & Lu, C. (2017).Re-evaluation of the New Ecological Paradigm scale using item response theory.Journal of Environmental Psychology,54, 79-90. (SSCI)

[4] Zhu, X., & E, Y. (2017). An Empirical Analysis for the Effects of SNS Usage on College Students' Social Capital.Journal of Xi'an Jiaotong University( Social Sciences) 37(5), 79-87. (in Chinese)

[5] Quan, X., &Zhu, X.(2016). The changing trend in college students’ academic achievement and its influential factors: An empirical analysis.Fudan Education Forum,14(5). (in Chinese)

[6] Lu, C., &Zhu, X.(2016). The influences of Geo-spatial distance on rural youth's participation in public affairs: An empirical research on multi-mediation effects of media and social network.Journal of Journalism and Communication Research, 23(1). (in Chinese)

[7] Zhu, X., & Stone, C. A. (2012). Bayesian comparison of alternative graded response models for performance assessment applications.Educational and Psychological Measurement,72(5), 774-799. (SSCI)

[8] Zhu, X., & Stone, C. A. (2011). Assessing fit of unidimensional graded response models using Bayesian methods.Journal of Educational Measurement,48(1), 81-97. (SSCI)

[9] Stone, C. A., Ye, F.,Zhu, X., & Lane, S. (2010). Providing subscale scores for diagnostic information: A case study when the test is essentially unidimensional.Applied Measurement in Education, 23(1), 63-86. (SSCI)

[10]Shen, X., &Zhu, X.(2015).Exploring factor structure of PISA teacher-student interaction scale based on traditional and Bayesian methods.Paper presented at the International Meeting of Psychometric Society (IMPS), Beijing, China.

[11]Zhu, X., & Xue, Z. (2014).Effects of family cultural capital on youths’ educational achievement – the case of China.Paper presented at the international meeting of Chinese American Educational Research and Development Association, Xi’an, China.

[12]Zhu, X., & Bian, Y. (2013).Assessing Measurement Invariance in the Attitude to Marriage Scale across East Asian Societies.Paper presented at the annual meeting of the World Association for Public Opinion Research (WAPOR), Hongkong.



· 2016~2019 Research Project on the Quality of Work Life and Mobility of Young Faculties in Western China (190,000 RMB) PI

The National Social Science Foundation of China

· 2015~2018 Effects of Social Capital on College Students’ Well-Being (15,000 RMB) PI

The National Social Science Foundation in Shaanxi Province

· 2014~2017 Equity of Compulsory Education under the Dual Perspective of Cultural Capital and Social Capital (80,000 RMB) PI

The Humanities and Social Sciences Youth Foundation, MOE (Ministry of Education in China)

· 2013~2016 Effects of Cultural Capital and Social Capital on Students’ Educational Achievement(60,000 RMB) PI

Xi’an Jiaotong University Research Funds for Social Science Research

· 2013~2015 Psychometric Services for Huawei’s Certification Testing Programs ($10,000) PI

W. G. Harris Group, USA

· 2015 Outstanding Paper Award in Humanities and Social Science Research Fist Prize

Department of Education, Shaanxi Province

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