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Junfeng Luo
2019-05-21  点击:[184]


Junfeng Luo

Professor of ancient Chinese literature


Ph.D in ancient Chinese literature,Chinese Academy of Social Sciences

M.A. in ancient Chinese literature, Shaanxi Normal University

B.A. in ancient Chinese literature, Hunan Normal University

Research interests:

Ancient Chinese literature, Chunqiu Zuozhuan Studies, the translation of Chunqiu Zuozhuan

Phone: 029-82667897

Junfeng Luo, professor of Chinese department, received her Ph.D (2007) in ancient Chinese literature from the Literature Institution, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences and did research in EALC, Harvard University (2010.3-2011.3) as a visiting scholar. She specializes in Chunqiu Zuozhuan, one of the Chinese Classics. The Chunqiu Zuozhuan Studies in Qing dynasty (Beijing, 2010)won Husheng Award for Young Scholars, which is one of the highest prizes for young scholars in China. Recently the article appeared in Literature Review won the second prize in the Best Article category issued by Shaanxi Province government. A new book upcoming is about the English translation of Chunqiu Zuozhuan and the studies of Chunqiu Zuozhuan aboard. Another book upcoming is aboutthegeneral catalogueof Chunqiu Zuozhuan studies in Qing dynasty. She is currently completing a monograph the general catalogue of Chunqiu Zuozhuan studies from Han to Ming dynasty.

上一条:Ma Meiyu
下一条:Liu Yanyan

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