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Wu Xue
2019-05-21  点击:[]

Personal introduction

Wu Xue, received her B.S. degree in Architecture and Environmental Art from Xi’an Academy of Fine Arts in 2015 and M.S. degree in Interior Design from Xi’an Jiaotong University in 2009. Currently she is a Lecturer in the Department of Arts, School of Humanities at Xi’an Jiaotong University. She is the member of China Institute of Interior Design (CIID) in Architectural Society of China and was awarded by CIID as the “Chinese Outstanding Young Interior Designer” in 2013. She has authored several journal publications, including “Construction of genius loci in interior design”, “Study on the practical significance of the protection of cave dwelling buildings in Shaanxi and Gansu”, “Exploration and practice of interior design teaching methods”, and a textbook “Hand-painted expression of Environmental art design”. She also has many award-winning works, such as “Interior design of Tang-Yun-Ge Themed Restaurant”, “Interior design of Kelala restaurant”, “Public furniture design of QinHan new city in XiXian new district”. Sheleaded the project “Research on decoration elements of residential and contemporary interior the space spirits” from Shaanxi Province.

上一条:Xiong Wen

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