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Xue Yangxian
2019-05-21  点击:[]

Xue Yangxian

Appointment:PROFESSSOR, PhD tutor, Head of Chinese Calligraphy Department

Hometown:Hancheng city, shaanxi province

E-mail[email protected]

Office Phone029-82668930

Research Areas

Calligraphy Aesthetics, Calligraphy Technique Research

Concurrent Academic Posts

Director of the Chinese Calligraphers Association

Executive Vice President of Shaanxi Calligraphers Association

Honorary Dean of Shaanxi Calligraphy College

Research Project

Shaanxi Art Project (2009) No. 201008 “Analyzing the Development Direction of Contemporary Calligraphy from the Perspective of the Similarities and Differences of Ancient and Modern Calligraphy Ecology Environment”, from Shaanxi Social Science Art Project.

Research Papers

“Different from Contemporary Calligraphy Styles: Wandering in the Calligraphy Garden”,Oriental Art, 2(2011), pp. 42-61.

“Calligraphy ethics”,Chinese Calligraphy, (5)2008, pp78-79.

“Intellectual Writing: a New Aesthetic principle 1”. Proceedings of the 6th National Calligraphy Symposium, Henan Fine Arts Publishing House, 2004, pp422-430. (The 3d prize of the 6th National Book Science Conference)

Representative work

Contemporary Young Calligraphers' Creation Archives of 2010: Xue Yangxian,Rong Baozhai Publishing House 2011.

Ten Calligraphic Genius in Contemporary:Xue Yangxian VolumeShandong Fine Arts Publishing House 2007.

Chinese Contemporary Calligraphy Works Collection:Xue Yangxian Volume, Hebei Education Publishing House 2009.

Chinese Calligraphic Style: Xue Yangxian Volume, People's China Publishing House 2002.

Stroke Array2003 Contemporary Famous Collection of Running and Cursive Script, Shaanxi People's Fine Arts Publishing House 2004.

National Award

acquired the Lin Sanzhi Award of Calligraphy Biennale in May 2008

acquired the Lanting Pavilion Award for Creative Writing in Oct. 2002

acquired National Award of the 7th National Calligraphy and Seal Exhibition in Dem.1999

上一条:Cao Gengxian
下一条:Wang Jin

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