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2021-01-11  点击:[]

哲学博士,大陆娱乐城-大陆博彩平台 副教授,中文系系主任助理。本科就读于厦门大学大陆娱乐城 、硕士就读于中国人民大学文学院,博士毕业于香港大学中文学院。2018年入选中国博士后国际交流计划“引进项目”,2019年被评为西安交通大学“青年优秀人才支持计划”A类,2020年晋升副教授。




邮箱:[email protected]

Wei Chenlin joined Xi’an Jiaotong University in 2018. She is currently an Associate Professor of the Chinese Department and Assistant to the Department Head. She received her undergraduate degree from Xiamen University (2012), her master’s degree from Renmin University of China (2015), and her doctoral degree from the University of Hong Kong (2018).She worked as a postdoctoral fellow funded by International Postdoctoral Exchange Fellowship (Talent-Introduction Program) since 2018, and was awarded the “A-list Talent” of the “Young Excellent Talent Support Program” of Xi’an Jiaotong University in 2019. She was appointed as an Associate Professor in 2020.

Since joining Xi’an Jiaotong University, she has led two national projects, one National Social Science Foundation (Youth Project), one provincial and ministerial-level project, one Chinese Postdoctoral Science Foundation project, two university-level research projects, and three university-level high-end projects.

WeiChenlin has published widely in both Chinese and English. She has authored one academic monograph, one translation, and multiple research articles in acknowledged academic journals such asGuangming Daily (Theoretical Edition),Replicated Journals of Renmin University of China (Full Text Reprinted),Chinese Comparative Literature,Research on Chinese Literature,The Journal of Ming-Qing Fiction Studies, andInternational Sinology, etc.

Research Interests: Ming-Qing Studies, Comparative literature

E-mail: [email protected]


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