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Peng Jin
2022-05-30  点击:[]

Jin Peng, PHD, associate professor, associate head of the Department of sociology of Xi’an Jiaotong University. Visiting scholar of the Brown School in Washington University of St. Louis .

Jin Peng focuses broadly on social work with children and families, especially on evidence-based interventions that improve children’s metal and behaviour health, and the policy and service for children protection.

Two research projects can represent Jin’s area, which are “Strengthening Social Information-Processing Skills of Children”, ”Strengthening resilience of left-behind children”. She also have several academic paper based on these research, e.g. “social psychological wellbeing of the left-behind children”, “the testing and controlling of fidelity in the context of intervention research”.

上一条:Shuai Man
下一条:Yang Jianghua

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