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2022-05-30  点击:[]



Assistant Professor, Ph.D. in Management

Email: [email protected]

Areas of interests: The participation of social organizations in social governance, The involvement of social work in community-level governance, and Social work for children


Social Policy Analysis and Advocacyfor undergraduates

Social work Practicefor undergraduates

Evaluation of Social Work Programsfor graduate students

Publications in recent three years

[1] LI N, PENG J and LI Y (2021). Effects and Moderators of Triple P on the Social, Emotional, and Behavioral Problems of Children: Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis [J]. Frontiers in Psychology, 12:709851. //doi.org/10.3389/fpsyg.2021.709851.   (SSCI)

[2] LI N, PENG J and YANG R (2022). How do working conditions affect the turnover intention of medical social workers in China? [J]. BMC Health Services Research, 22: 67. //doi.org/10.1186/s12913-021-07435-8.   (SCI)

[3] GUO S, LI N, SUN X, PENG J, FRASER MW (2022). The Moderating Effects of School Resources on the Impact of a School-Based Intervention on the Social Information-Processing Skills of Third Graders in Rural China [J]. Journal of Community Psychology, 1–21. //doi.org/10.1002/jcop.22858.   SSCI

[4] PENG J, LI N and GUO S (2022). Shaping Social Work Science: What Should Quantitative Researchers Do? [J]. Journal of Xi'an Jiaotong University (Social Science Edition), 42(1): 46–57. DOI: 10. 15896/j.xjtuskxb.202201006.    (CSSCI)

[5] PENG J and LI N (2020). Significance, Measurement and Control of Fidelity in Intervention Research: Taking “Let’s Be Friends – Shaanxi” as an Example, 7(6): 30–41.   (CSSCI Extended edition)


The Postdoctoral Science Fund of China (2019M663772)

The Basic Scientific Research Fund of Xi’an Jiaotong University (SK2020023)

Major Research Topic of Xianyang City’s 14th Five-Year Plan in the early stage (S2020101)

Shaanxi Women and Children Development Foundation: The Research on the Internal Governance of Social Organizations (SKH2021222)

The National Natural Science Foundation of China (71673218)   (participant)

The National Social Science Fund of China (18BSH146)   (participant)

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下一条:Jiang Libiao

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