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Fuqi Shi
2022-05-31  点击:[]

Prof. Dr. Fuqi Shi

Prof. Dr. Fuqi Shi was born in 1974 in Jingyuan County, Gansu Province. He received his Bachelor and Master of Philosophy at Lanzhou University (1998, 2001), Ph.D. in Western Philosophy at Peking University (2009). As an DAAD Sandwich-program scholarship-holder from 2006 to 2008 at Cologne University, his doctoral dissertation on Ernst Cassirer had been co-supervised by Prof. Xiping Jin at Peking University and Prof. Burckhart at Cologne University. From 2009 to 2019 he had been working as associate professor (2009-2017) and full professor (2017-2019) at the Department of Philosophy, Lanzhou University. From 2019 on he has been working as full professor at the Dept. of Philosophy, Xi’an Jiaotong University. He also worked as visiting scholar at Marquette University and University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee in the USA from 2013 to 2014.

His research fields include modern German Philosophy, German idealism, Neo-Kantianism etc. In recent years, his research has been centering on the topics such as Neo-Kantian epistemology, Cassirer’s philosophy of symbolic forms, his relationship to German idealism and phenomenology, culture philosophy, and so on. He is the author of Symbolische Prägnanz
im Aufbau der Philosophie der symbolischen Formen Ernst Cassirers (Nordhausen: Verlag Traugott Bautz 2016), and the revised Chinese version Symbolic Pregnancy and Ernst Cassirer’s Philosophy of Symbolic Forms (Beijing: Renmin Press 2016). His translations on Kant and Cassirer are to be published by the Commercial Press soon. He has also published dozens of articles as well as essays on the above-mentioned topics.

He is a member of the Chinesische Gesellschaft für deutsche Philosophie, the Chinesische Kant-Gesellschaft, and a member of the editorial board of Neukantianismus-Forschung Aktuell (hg. von Prof. Dr. Christian Krijnen in Amsterdam).

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