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Liu Xiang
2022-05-31  点击:[]

Liu Xiang, Ph.D., graduated from School of Literature, Nanjing University. He is a Lecturer at the College of humanities in Xi’an JiaoTong University. He received a Master of Philosophy and a Bachelor of Literature degree from the Chinese Literature major, Hunan University. He mastered five projects, which include National Social Science Fund Youth Project, China Postdoctoral Science Foundation, and the the Fundamental Research Funds for the Central Universities. He has some papers published in academic journals, includingTheoretical Studies In Literature and ArtCSSCI, Social Sciences of BeijingCSSCIand Jiangxi Social SciencesCSSCI.

Research interests:

Han Wei and Six Dynasties literatureChinese Fuxue

Email[email protected]

上一条:Qizhou Sun

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