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Cheng Fu
2023-11-03  点击:[]


 Basic Information

Name: Cheng Fu

Gender: Male

Title: Assistant Professor

E-mail: [email protected]

Address: Department of Philosophy, School of Humanities and Social Sciences, Xi 'an Jiaotong University, No. 28 Xianning West Road, Beilin District, Xi 'an city, Shaanxi Province

Zip Code: 710049

 Education Background:

Ph.D., Department of Philosophy and Religious, Nanjing University.

 Job Experience

Since 08/2022, Xi’an Jiaotong University, Assistant Professor.

 Research Areas

1.        Main Research Areas

German classical philosophy (especially the theoretical philosophy, natural philosophy and ethics of Kant.)

2.        Recent Researh Interests

Enlightenment Philosophy in the German Classical Period, Kant’s Theory of Biology, etc.

3.        Papers

① “The Puzzle of Kant's Antinomy of Teleological Power of Judgment”, World Philosophy, 2022 (02), pp.73-81.

② “From ‘Courage’ to ‘Fear’: On the Tension between Kant and Jonas’ View of Virtue”, Studies in Dialectics of Nature, 2021, 37 (06), pp.26-32.

③ “The Explanatory Dilemmas of Biology in the Kant's View of Science”, Journal of Dialectics of Nature, 2022, 44 (09), pp.11-18.

4.        Invited Presentations

Fourth Youth Forum on German Idealism: Fichte, Schelling, Hegel - The Triple Completion of German Idealism, Chang'an University, April 8, 2023; Reporting Title: Kant and Mendelssohn in the Context of the German Enlightenment.

5.        Research Projects

①           “A Study of the Interpretative Problems and Effects of Kant’s Teleology”, Director, Shaanxi Province Postdoctoral Fund, Ongoing.

②           “A Study of Hans Jonas' Philosophical Thought and Its Impact” (12BZX056), Major participator, National Social Science Foundation, Completed.

③           “A study of innovations in the paradigm of the laws of history” (12BZX009), Major participator, National Social Science Foundation, Completed.

 Teaching Courses

Undergraduates: German philosophy, Philosophical Perspectives.

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